Tummy tuck surgery is a highly individualized procedure and you should do it for yourself, not to fulfill someone else's desires or to try to fit any sort of ideal image. Tummy tucks are not a substitute for weight loss or an appropriate exercise program.
Tummy tuck | Abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen and can tighten the abdominal wall muscles. This will create an abdominal profile that is smoother and firmer.
Especially is some women due to pregnancies, the abdominal muscles and skin stretch beyond the point where they can return to normal. The same applies to people who have lost lots of weight. Unfortunately the skin excess cannot be corrected with either diet or gymnastics, so that a tummy tuck might be needed.
Full abdominoplasty usually takes two to three hours, depending on the extent of work required. A general anesthetic is always used. This means that you will be sleeping, you will not understand anything that is happening and you will feel no pain.

A horizontally-oriented incision in the area between the pubic hairline and navel it’s needed. The shape and length of the incision will be determined by the degree of correction necessary. An incision is also made around the belly button to release it from the surrounding skin. The excess skin is then separated from the abdominal wall and the weakened abdominal muscles are repaired and sutured while excess fat, tissue and skin is removed. A new hole is cut for the navel and it is fixed in to its new position. Finally, the skin is sutured together. Sometimes two temporary tubes (drains) may be inserted to drain fluids from the surgical site.

For the first few days, your abdomen will probably be swollen and you may feel some pain and discomfort which can be controlled with pain killers. Depending on the extent of the surgery, you can leave the next day or you may have to remain hospitalized for two to three days. Although you will not be able to stand straight, you should start walking as soon as possible. It may take you up to two weeks to feel completely well.

Your abdominoplasty procedure will result in a flatter, firmer abdominal contour that is more proportionate with your body type and weight. Although the results of an abdominoplasty procedure are technically permanent, the positive outcome can be greatly diminished by significant fluctuations in your weight. For this reason, individuals who are planning substantial weight loss or women who may be considering future pregnancies may be advised to postpone abdominoplasty surgery.
Other procedures
A mini tummy tuck only tightens the skin below the level of the belly button. The only scar is the lower horizontal scar beneath the bathing suit line and the scar is usually shorter than in a full abdominoplasty. The belly button is not “released”, so there is no belly button scar. As a result, there is no tightening of skin above the belly button.
In some cases liposuction can be used to reduce abdominal fat and improve the result. Extensive liposuction of excess fat though, should be done in a separate procedure either before or after a tummy tuck, as it is safer in terms of blood supply to the skin.

- Recovery time
- 1-2 weeks
- Price range
- 4000-4500 euro
- Anesthesia type
- General anesthesia