Body Surgery
Body shape has been the foremost muse for artists around the world. History has witnessed the rise of outstanding sculptors who made their masterpieces by studying human body anatomy in detail. The functional human body is purely characterized by concavities, convexities, lights, and shadows that instantly reveal the bone structure, the muscle shapes, its change in motion, and most of all, the skin and subcutaneous fat blueprint.
By today’s concepts of a beautiful body, we should consider the one that attracts our attention and elicits a positive emotional response. Youth, health, attractiveness, and function are so intimately related but variable for human procreative purposes that different balances between these qualities make the “perfect mate” different for each individual. Humans have evolved and changed so much throughout history that we cannot “make” the perfect male or the “perfect” female for everyone; rather, plastic surgeons strive to follow some standards that include attractiveness, health, and of course functionality in order to sculpt a natural body through plastic surgery.


Body Contouring | Body lift

Arm Lift | Brachioplasty