Επεμβάσεις στα αυτιά
Deformities of the auricle have inspired much creative analysis over the years. In fact, certain characteristics have been suggested as predisposing to criminal behavior. Since the 19th century, plastic surgery techniques have been described to restore the normal relationship of the auricle to the scalp and underlying mastoid bone. The first written description of otoplasty is attributed to Ely in 1881 and since then, more than 200 techniques to correct the lopear deformity have appeared.
Modern plastic surgery techniques stress the importance of avoiding the surgical appearance of Otoplasty. Visible edges of cartilage are to be avoided, and a smooth, pleasantly shaped auricle in normal relation to the skull is desired.
Ωτοπλαστική | Πλαστική αυτίων

Επέμβαση Ωτοπλαστικής

Σχιστά λοβία

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